Issue 31: “Making Wise Choices”

Issue 31: “Making Wise Choices”

Dear Parents, As the year draws to a close please be reminded of the following important information: Second-hand clothing shop will be opened from 2:00 – 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday 21 November and Friday 23 November. School shop will be open on Friday 30 November...
Issue 31: “Making Wise Choices”

Issue 24: “Making Wise Choices”

Congratulations to: Smangaliso Magwaza, our DPS Spelling Bee representative from Gr. 6M, who made it through to Round 4 out of 5 in the Inter School contest. Her final word to spell was the challenging word “arrhythmia.” Well done Smangaliso – we are very proud...
Issue 31: “Making Wise Choices”

Issue 13: “Aim High”

Thank you to those parents who came to see their children’s work and speak to the class / subject teachers last week. I was very impressed by the good attendance. Also to those who stayed for the AGM, your support is sincerely appreciated. School Governing Body: Ms...
Issue 31: “Making Wise Choices”

Issue 1 : “Aim High”

Welcome Back to School for all of our “old” pupils, and a warm welcome is extended to all of our “new” family members. We know you will enjoy being part of the DPS family. Congratulations: to all the newly appointed prefects for 2018. We do hope you will support your...