Welcome Back to School for all of our “old” pupils, and a warm welcome is extended to all of our “new” family members, as well as Miss Wellbeloved, our new Gr. 1 teacher and Miss Le Breton,our new Grade 5 teacher. We know you will all enjoy the DPS experience. I am extremely proud to announce that Mr. Veerasamy has been officially promoted to Deputy Principal of DPS from this year. I wish to thank the Governing Body of our school for their support in this selection.


To all the newly appointed prefects for 2016. We do hope you will support your children in their important leadership roles. A prefect camp has been arranged (29/01 – 31/01) by Mr. Veerasamy and details of this will follow shortly.

Parents Info Meeting:

Our first official Parents’ meeting will take place in your children’s classrooms on Monday 18 January 2016. Please make every effort to attend. A register will need to be signed for future reference. It is vitally important that you get to know your child’s teacher and their expectations for your child this year.

Gr. R: 4:30 – 5:00 p.m. Gr. 1 – 3: 5:00 – 5:45 p.m. and Gr. 4 – 7: 6 – 6:30 p.m.

Name Badges:

Each child is expected to wear a name badge which can be ordered via the class teacher. Please put R20 into an envelope with his/her name and surname, sports house and class eg. 7G. The new pupils will be notified of their sports house in due course.


Extra-mural lists will be going home today. Please ensure your children take part in at least 1 extra-mural activity. The benefits – physically and socially – are enormous. Activities end at 3:15 unless otherwise specified on the extra-mural list.

N.B.: All school gates will be locked at the end of extra-mural activities, 3:30 p.m. at the latest. If your children need to be collected after this time, they need to go to the basketball area in front of the JP and SP Aftercare facilities. This is for their safety. You may then use the drive-in access to pick up your children safely. The field gates are locked to protect your children from anyone coming onto our school property after school hours.

All children are to use the Cavell Road field gate coming to school in the morning. It is safe, and 2 teachers are on duty there from 7:25 a.m.

People you need to know:

  • School Contact No. 031-2051077
  • Principal Mrs. Miller
  • Dep. Princ. & SP Aftercare Mr. Veerasamy
  • JP HOD and JP Aftercare Mrs. Greeff
  • Gr. 4 & 5 SP HOD Mrs. Pautz
  • Gr. 6 & 7 SP HOD(Act.) Mrs. Tait
  • Financial Secretary Mrs. James
  • Admissions Secretary Mrs. Gray

School Fees:

Please note that school fees are R11 800 per year for Gr. R and R10 800 per pupil for Gr. 1 – 7 for 2016. A discount of R1 180 or R1 080 will apply if the fees are paid before 31 March 2016 at the office, or a direct deposit by the 31 March.

For audit purposes, no extensions can be granted. Please keep your school fee payments up to date to avoid disappointment when it comes to outings and camps.

Valentines Day:

Your children may come to school on Friday 12 February in red, white or pink for a civvies fee of R10. There will be prizes for some lucky sweet Valentines!

Marking of Learners Property:

Please make sure all your child’s items are clearly marked, including clothing, as we cannot be responsible for belongings which are mislaid. Please also note that deliveries to the classroom are strictly in emergencies only!

Swimming Costumes & caps:

In order for your child to swim, they must have a regular black school costume. Caps can be purchased from the school at a cost of R25. It is compulsory that pupils in Gr. 1, 2 & 3 wear caps. New pupils will be informed which


Please note: The bell rings for the start of the school day at 7:45 every morning. Please ensure that your child takes transport early enough to arrive on time. Coming to school late is unacceptable and causes a great deal of inconvenience for staff and other children. Please do not drop your children off at the front of the school as this causes too much congestion. Children are to be dropped off in Cavell Place. The final bell rings at 2:00 p.m. for ALL pupils from Gr. R to Gr. 7 from Monday to Thursday and at 1:30 pm. on Fridays.

School Uniform:

Pupils may only wear full track suits in the 2nd and 3rd terms. For the 1st and 4th terms girls wear a white blouse & green skirt, boys wear grey shorts and white shirt and all can then wear a green track suit top or green jersey on the cooler days. Gr. R and Gr. 1 girls may wear bottle green skorts available from the office. Caps may also be purchased from the office.


Please contact Mrs. Greeff for JP and Mr. Veerasamy for SP at the school should you be interested in sending your child to Aftercare. This facility offers homework supervision as well as organised activities, and closes at 5:00 p.m. each day.

D6 Communicator:

Please make every effort to download the D6 Communicator application to your desktop by going to www.school-communicator.com or on your smartphone by going to www.school-communicator.com/bb. All our newsletters, as well as any other important information is put on D6 Communicator.

It was lovely to meet so many happy, cheerful DPS parents on the first day. Our 2016 Theme is “Believe, Dream, Dare!” May we all learn to believe in ourselves and achieve greatness in whatever we do.
