Code of Conduct

According to the South African Schools Act. No. 84 of 1996, the Governing Body of a public school must adopt a Code of Conduct for the learners. The Code of Conduct is a written statement of rules and principles concerning discipline. It tells us about the kind of behaviour that educators expect from each child and the standards of behaviour our school seeks to maintain. 

The purpose of a Code of Conduct is to:

  • Create a well-organized and disciplined school so that effective learning can take place
  • Promote self-discipline
  • Encourage good behaviour
  • Regulate conduct



  1. The correct regulation uniform is to be worn at all times.
  2. Boys hair is to be neat and off the collar and out of the eyes.
  3. Girls hair, if collar length or longer, must be neatly tied up. Only bottle green or black hairclips and alice bands allowed. No exotic hairstyle such as braids or extensions – no hair colourants/dyes. No additions to the hair.
  4. No lycra tights may be worn under the skirt unless permission has been granted by Management.
  5. No stockings allowed.
  6. Only bottle green v-neck / sleeveless jerseys or school track suits may be worn. Bottle green, navy or black raincoats may be worn to and from school.
  7. No visible T-shirts or vests may be worn under the uniform.
  8. No nail varnish may be worn.
  9. No jewellery may be worn other than plain watches and sleepers or stud in each ear for girls (1 per ear.)
  10. Jewellery or any other additions worn for religious purposes will need clearance from the Management team.
  11. Only green DPS school bags to be used, to be purchased from the office.
  12. No brightly coloured bags will be allowed.
  13. Black shoes to be worn, or black takkies, if school shoes are being repaired or replaced. (If shoes are lost or being repaired, a letter in this regard must be brought to school.)
  14. Regulation boys socks only.
  15. During events that allow the wearing of casual wear, learners should be dressed neatly and in presentable clothing. See through, revealing clothes may not be worn, including ill-fitting boys trousers.


  1. We expect our learners to conduct themselves in a manner befitting the code of ethics of this school.
  2. Swearing, insubordination, shouting, bullying and fighting will not be tolerated.
  3. No chewing gum allowed at school.
  4. Smoking and taking of drugs other than medication covered by a Doctor’s prescription will result in severe action taken against the pupils. The carrying of cigarettes or alcohol is strictly prohibited.
  5. Greet teachers and visitors politely at all times.
  6. Behave in a courteous manner.
  7. Behave on all public transport or whilst waiting to be collected.
  8. Boys are to keep their hands out of their pockets at all times.
  9. No pushing, running or talking on the verandas.
  10. There is to be silence at line up.


  1. The Administration section is out of bounds to all learners unless he/she is specifically visiting the Principal, Head of Department’s or Secretaries’ office.
  2. Latecomers are to report to the Secretary before going to class.
  3. Learners are to be courteous to all visitors to the school including visiting sports teams/players.
  4. A learner may not go directly to the classroom before school has officially begun. Classrooms will be locked during breaks.
  5. If a member of the staff enters the classroom during school hours, the learners must stand as a sign of respect.
  6. The staffroom is out of bounds for learners.
  7. Should there be a problem during breaks or before school, learners are to report to the teachers on duty and not go directly to the Principal’s or Secretaries’ office.
  8. The hall is out of bounds unless a teacher has granted permission for a learner to be there. Food may not be consumed in the hall under any circumstances. Swimming pool is strictly out of bounds unless a teacher is present. Parking lots and electrical mains boxes and hoses are out of bounds. School field gates will be locked at 3:30 p.m. unless a late field match is in progress!
  9. Learners are to be dropped off and collected from the gate in Cavell Place or Umbilo Road.
  10. The driveway and parking area are reserved for staff vehicles.
  11. Learners not participating in extra-murals must leave the school premises by 2:15p.m. Learners participating in extra-murals are to leave the school premises by 3:30 p.m. Learners waiting to be collected by parents must be in possession of a letter stating time of collection. They must wait near the Aftercare. The After Care Centre is available from Mondays to Fridays where learners are supervised. Application forms and fee structure are available upon request from the office.
  12. Any school property damaged either willfully or through neglect will be the responsibility of the child and his/her parents to repair or replace at the going rate. This applies also to Media Centre books which are damaged or lost.
  13. A learner may not leave the school property, under any circumstances, without the permission of the Principal, Deputy Principal or Head of Department.
  14. Rubbish bins are provided for refuse. Children caught littering will be punished by demerits. DPS aims to be a litter-free zone.
  15. As a school we encourage a love for nature conservation. Learners may not pick flowers or willfully break branches under any circumstances.
  16. The swimming Gala and Athletic meeting are compulsory. If a learner cannot attend for a valid reason, a written excuse must be given to the Principal and Teacher in charge beforehand.
  17. Lost articles may be claimed from Lost Property. If items are labeled, they will be returned to your child. The school cannot be held responsible for lost articles or for theft or damage to personal belongings on school premises, eg. cell-phones, bags, books, clothing etc. Cellphones may not be switched on in class. Learners may not bring valuable electronic devices to school.
  18. Toilets/changerooms are to be kept clean and tidy at all times. Flush toilets after use. Food is not permitted to be eaten in this area. Wilful damaging of property/vandalism will not be tolerated.
  19. No dangerous objects/toys may be brought to school.
  20. All details of parents, home addresses, telephone numbers etc. must be kept up to date. This is vitally important. Parents must inform the secretary or class teacher immediately, in writing, of any changes.
  21. Learners must provide a note from the parent or guardian explaining absences from school. Where the pupil is absent on a day when they should be writing exams or control tests, then a doctor’s certificate is required.

Disregard for these school rules will, after a reprimand and warning, result in one of the following forms of punishment:

  • demerit system (see homework book.)
  • detention
  • withdrawal of privileges – Blacklisted from certain activities
  • an official letter of warning to the parents which will be filed in the learner’s file
  • suspension for continuous transgressions
  • expulsion
  • other suitable and appropriate forms of punishment will be administered depending on the seriousness of the transgression

When learners misbehave and break school rules, disciplinary action, in accordance with the seriousness of the misconduct, WILL BE TAKEN.

Disciplinary Procedure: Demerit System:

  • 3 x demerits = break detention
  • 9 x demerits = Friday afternoon detention
  • 2 x Friday detentions = See Mrs. Miller
  • 3 x Friday detentions = Parent interview.

1 Demerit:

  • Homework not done
  • Lack of essential stationery
  • Failure to hand in work
  • Failure to return forms
  • No absentee letter
  • Failure to stick work in
  • Disturbance in class
  • Breaking classroom rules
  • No PE kit
  • Chewing bubblegum
  • Not bringing project materials
  • Answering back
  • Making a noise/running on corridor
  • Going out of bounds
  • Incorrect uniform/bag
  • Incorrect hair style
  • Pulling a face at a teacher
  • Failure to follow an instruction immediately
  • Incorrect use of cellphones
  • Staying after school without a letter

2 Demerits:

  • Destruction of school property

3 Demerits:

  • Stealing
  • Bringing weapons to school
  • Fighting
  • Lying
  • Cheating
  • Swearing, threatening, hitting a teacher
  • Inappropriate behavior

The Governing Body, Management and Staff will always have your child’s interests at heart. Should you have any concerns, suggestions or queries, please feel free to contact the school.