Dear Parents,
As the year draws to a close please be reminded of the following important information:
Second-hand clothing shop will be opened from 2:00 – 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday 21 November and Friday 23 November.
School shop will be open on Friday 30 November until 3:00 p.m.
Collections for General Assistants are coming in slowly, and we would like to finalise these as soon as possible please. It is our children’s way of showing their appreciation and spreading Christmas cheer to those people who help keep our school beautiful for us.
Friday 30 November
Our Gr. 7’s who have received their invitations will be going to Waterworld with their class teachers as one of the farewell gifts from us to them. They all know what they had to earn to receive an invitation.
Last day for Raffle collections Friday 30 November:
Thank you parents for always supporting our fundraising in such a generous manner
Monday 3 December
Raffle Draw.
Wednesday 5 December
Gr. R Prizegiving
Thursday 6 December
Junior Primary Prizegiving
Friday 7 December
Senior Primary Prizegiving. Details to follow.
Please be advised that you need to report to reception after signing in at the gate. Under NO circumstances are you allowed to go directly to your child’s classroom. Teachers may not be called out of their classrooms under any circumstances.
Contact from outside companies:
It has come to our attention that, following a form from a Maths company being handed out at school, a representative called on a parent and was very rude and tried to pressure her into purchasing the programme. Another parent was called with a message that they were calling from Durban Primary to make an appointment. Please note, we would never send anyone to your home or let anyone call to make an appointment to call on you at home. We have taken this up with the company concerned.
School fees – should be paid up for the year.
Photographs will be handed out with school reports, for paid up parents.
Paid up mugs have arrived and will be handed out shortly.
Banking Details
Name: Durban Primary School
Bank: Standard Bank
Branch: Glenwood
Br. Code: 042526
Acc. No.: 05-268483-0
Reference: Child’s name and grade.
N.B.: All deposits must be faxed through to Mrs. James on Fax no. 031-2059594
“He who asks the question is a fool for a minute; He who does not is a fool forever..”Chinese proverb
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